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Tosa Consultants, Inc is a full-service IT consulting firm providing a myriad of services and skilled resources to clients nationwide. Tosa consultants believed that open-source solutions are becoming common place in enterprises and typically is low in cost, but not at the expense of support. This website was designed to be a resource for Tosa Consultants that provides information, plug-in units, and information's sites. So look around and have fun.

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Tosa Consultants, Inc is looking to open source software to cut costs and avoid vendor lock-in. Software-based open source solution are low in cost making them ideal for organizations with smaller office sites. Linux-based integrated solution deployment cost from one-fourth to one-third the cost of a proprietary solution system. Tosa Consultants specialize in integrating and customizing Linux to a particular company's needs. Customizing Linux system enable businesses that want Linux low cost but don't have the in-house expertise available to start using Linux without the need to replace their existing IT personnel.

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The Outlook for 2010: Tosa Consultants is developing low cost "Access Control Systems". To view design click on "New Project". This access control system use biometric detection developed by "NEROTECHNOLOGY" for face and finger recognition. The system design use Common Off The Shelf (COTS) components with Linus OS to provide a stable afforable access control system. Linux, new kernel carries a raft of improvements and fixes and will dramatically boost Linux's scalability for large or small systems as well as its suitability for embedded solutions. Click on New Project to view Tosa Consultant design for a door access system.

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